The 2020 edition of the World Civil Aviation Report is now available.
This has been an exceptional year. We recently published the 4th edition of the World Civil Aviation Report, a publication that shares the work we have undertaken to address some of the challenges facing civil aviation today . In 2020 ICAO had to contend with the challenges posed to civil aviation by the COVID-19 pandemic, while at the same time carrying out our regular work programme. The spread of infectious diseases along established trade routes has been known since history was first written. The most widely known early pandemic occurred during the Middle Ages (1347) with the arrival in Europe of the bubonic plague (the Black Death) which killed about one-third of the population. It is not surprising that the framers of the Convention on International Civil Aviation had foreseen the possibility that air transport could become a vehicle in the worldwide transmission of communicable diseases. The latest edition of this report opens with a statistical presentation of the impact of ...